Using .htaccess to forward people to “Today’s” reading
I used this process to expedite access to Gregg Matte’s Moment Devotional
Short url:

I’m not an expert coder by any stretch of the imagination. However, when I find a problem I like to see if I can find a solution to that problem by gathering a simple solution from others who have pioneered similar solutions.
The Moment Devotional written by Gregg Matte (pastor of Houston’s First Baptist Church) is something I enjoy reading every day. It’s hosted on (A neat website that hosts pdfs). Each day of the Moment devotional was on a different page of the pdf and I wanted to create a bookmark on my iPhone to zoom to that day’s devotional with a single touch.
The finished product is available at
The contents of my .htaccess file are here.
I had to figure out how to get today’s date as a url and then redirect that to that day’s page link in moment.
I used the CONCATENATE formula in my First Google sheet to arrange the urls correctly
Here’s the Second Google Sheet I used to compile all the information nicely for the .htaccess file
If you’re trying to do a project like this, let me know if you need some help! Send an email to