Make A Free Audio Player

The web can be a tough place to build things at times. It can be a bit like the wild west. Fortunately, my curiosity and interest in creating has led me to persevere and find a way to accomplish a variety of goals. One such goal was to make an audio player for my voice over website
Alternatively use my spreadsheet to convert your Google Audio files.
(***I also have one for Images***).
You can use any html player but two good options are:
#1 W3 Schools for the native audio element
<audio controls>
<source src=”horse.ogg” type=”audio/ogg”> DELETE THIS LINE
<source src=”horse.mp3" type=”audio/mpeg”> REPLACE HORSE.MP3 WITH YOUR CONVERTED AUDIO URL
Your browser does not support the audio element.
#2 A custom audio player like the one I edited
The Original (on Codepen)
My AudioPlayer (on Codepen)
Stackflow is where I discovered what I needed to do to convert mp3 files.
Don’t forget to let me know how it goes! Drop me a line